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  • 1 Votes
    13 Posts

    Great. Please keep this in mind if you add/remove agents.

    Glad it's working now.

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts


    When the agent first comes up, it may want to update its firmware so it would go through a several minutes long process of starting, checking, downloading the new firmware if needed, restarting, checking for new files as needed.

    If any of this was interrupted, it could lead to a problem, especially if this happened while it was writing its firmware.

    At one point, you saw the led flashing quickly then it settled into a slow flash which means that at that point, the slow flashing indicates it is now communicating with our network.

    I can see that it's seeing events and logging them.

    I do see it going Inactive over and over again however and since I only see one outage, this means to me that it is unable to reach the Internet for x number of seconds on a regular basis.
    Inactive only happens if it has not checked in with our network for around 29 seconds or so.

    So it seems that it's up and running now and activated so please let us know if there are any other issues.

  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts


    I am assuming that your firewall is also your default gateway, if not then what follows could be incorrect.

    If I take a look at the hops recorded by all 3 SW agents (not only the one you mentioned) and the only HW agent, you will see that only the HW agent is having the first hop pointing to, the other ones go directly to an external IP without passing thru the firewall/gateway.

    So on one side either the Windows agents or the firewall is masking the direct hops or they are connected in a different way from the HW agent; I also saw that the 130435 was once connected in a different way since it had the same that now doesnt show up again.

    In the end, what does it mean?
    If the agent cannot determine where the LAN ends and the provider begins there is no way to give you a correct report about where the outage was and IF it was a network outage or a problem related to cabling (provider's end of cabling).

    If the firewall is NOT your default gateway then it would be nice to understand a bit more about the LAN topology to help to troubleshoot it but so far I haven't seen a wrong behavior from the agents you have installed.

  • 0 Votes
    14 Posts

    Good to hear.

    Can you start a new post for the vendors if you don't mind, just in case someone else takes us up on the trial and will get confused in this question.

    In that post, we need a little info about how things are working and what the vendors need access to etc.